Run By The Gun #1

UPDATE DEC 2020: FREE DOWNLOAD (PDF) of the Run by the Gun #1 updated noir version that includes added material.
Peter Palermo tries to convince Jonah Gunn to join him in a new band. Their past relationship gives Jonah pause until an unexpected event forces his hand.
RBG Issue 1? Yup, we said we were going to put a comic book out and we finally were able to do so. But not without the help from our friends at Terminus Media.
Mark Stancil helped guide our RBG team along this first go around. Brian Hardison is an exceptional artist and his hard work on Issue 1 is greatly appreciated and admired. It was a blessing to work with Mark and Brian, and the rest of the Terminus team. We learned so much.
Issue 1 is an introduction to our RBG characters, the story, and of course the music. It’s great finally seeing Jonah, Peter, Ada and Sarah come to life. They’re a great bunch of kids. We hope you begin to like them as much as we enjoyed bringing them to you.
We’ve been able to provide RBG Issue 1 in several ways. Just a heads up, we’re the only one who offers RBG Issue 1 for free.
Run By The Gun #2

Facing a decision that will effect everyone he loves most, Peter Palermo must choose between doing the right thing, and following his life’s dream.
RBG Issue 2 has been a tremendous effort from all those involved. We tried to challenge ourselves, and push the story and artwork to unexpected places. It may not be perfect, but neither are our characters. We feel it’s a good read and the artwork top-notch.
Writer: Rey Miranda
Artists: Meredith McClaren, Irene Strychalski
Cover: Irene Strychalski, Tone Ellis
Design and Lettering: Tone Ellis
Run By The Gun #3

Suggested for mature readers: Months following the birth of Peter and Ada’s baby, Jonah is hard at work trying to build a new band with Peter. Meanwhile, Jonah’s relationship with Sarah has grown sexually, but not much otherwise. Despite feeling compelled to be in one another’s company, the two struggle painfully to get an understanding of both each other, and the new, toxic beast that their dubious, mutual attraction has created. Tempers flare and nerve-endings fray, as old behaviors and new attitudes threaten to crack Jonah’s well-crafted veneer of quiet strength. Will… the lone wolf… survive?
Written By: Zambia Green & Rey Miranda
Art By: Yasmin Liang, Tone Ellis De Jesus
Cover by: Sara Richard
Pages: 28
Color: Full-Color Cover, Grayscale Interior