ABOUT Run By The Gun

Run By The Gun is a transmedia project involving a comic book series, webcomics, music, and live performances to tell the story of an NYC band struggling to succeed on their own terms in a city that eats young and old alike.
RBG’s music expands the narrative of the comics series by allowing fans the ability to listen to the songs RBG’s characters write based on their lives and the lives of their circle of family and friends.
RBG’s comic book and webcomic series allow fans of RBG’s music a greater understanding of how their songs came to be. In a sense, these are a much more detailed, story-driven, version of liner notes.
Run By The Gun also performs live, playing the songs detailed in the comics but also performing songs that stand alone, furthering the artistic expression of the songwriters. At RBG’s venue, everyone can experience the RBG transmedia project as a whole, combining the music, the comics, and the live performance, to further push the Run By The Gun narrative.
Join Jonah, Sarah, Peter, Ada, and the rest of their gang as they all do their very best to navigate their way through a rugged, urban reality of hard drugs, questionable sex, and, of course, a shitload of rock ‘n’ roll.
RBG Music is streaming on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, iHeartRadio, ReverbNation, and YouTube Music. The comic books are available in digital from Comixology and in print from Comic Flea Market. Webcomics are here on the website.
Also, check out RBG’s FREE DOWNLOADS, including the RBG comic book’s first issue and the lyric book from the first album!

What might be RBG’s most interesting aspect is its’ existence as a real-life entity that does what all brands do: Run By The Gun makes records, they make videos, they play shows. They use the media of their culture to further their art and inform the public of it.
RBG have gotten drunk and high in music and art studios in Atlanta, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Northern New Jersey – they’ve and and writer and played their hearts our eating nothing but Miller High-Lifes and Advils for a couple of days straight.
Thank yous…
RBG collaborates with artists from multiple media and diverse backgrounds, all in the course of creating an art project so complex and simple all at once, that at its core, Run By The Gun is its own multimedia culture.
Artist Talent: Meredith McClaren, Irene Strychalski, Shawna Mills, Yasmin Liang, Sara Richard, Chroma Dolls, Scorpio Steele, Anthony Gregori, Brian Hardison, and Tone Ellis de Jesus.
Music Talent: Steve Albini, Steve Fallone, Mod Alien, Jacob Johnson, Edward Rawls, Jim McKell, John Agnello, and Francisco Botero.
— Rey Miranda and Zambia Greene, Run By The Gun Creators